Saturday, October 10, 2009

A New Term

Yesterday we had our first meeting for the last term of 2009. Over the holidays, a new system for storing our long (five and six metre) poles had been set up, and we got to pack them away. This is more exciting than it sounds, because the poles are stored several metres up. Getting them there required two PLs in safety harnesses and four people on the pulley systems. The author of this blog now has four blisters, but apparently she is getting soft, as everybody else was fine!

We also learned different ways of carrying injured people and which should be used when. Then we ran races using the different carries. It was a fun and practical way of making sure everyone understood how they worked.

Before we ended, we got to hear about the projects Kay will be running to get her Springbok Scout award, and to meet our new District Commissioner. I can't wait for another term full of scouting activities!
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