Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Owl Part II

Wow, it's been a while. Exams are terrible things. However, we now have pictures of the owl we built a while back. Isn't it lovely? (I'm also updating the Chairman's Challenge entry with pictures.)

Technically, the second photo has nothing to do with the owl, except that we built it on the same camp. On Sunday morning, just for fun, we used the cloverleaf lashing to build an octopod. We thought it was pretty cool.

Now, for the scouts: here's the question to answer for Friday night: who is standing on top of the octopod? (You can click the picture to see a bigger version.)

Bonus question: In the first picture, Pippa is wearing uniform because she's been at a special meeting for Patrol Leaders. What are meetings like that called? (Hint: look at page 147 of your Scout Trail book.)

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