Saturday, January 9, 2010

Kay's Service Project

From the 28th November to 3 December Kay ran her Springbok Service Project by collecting old and new toys to give to children's homes in Eldorado Park. She went around to Randpark Ridge Group to the 3 cub packs and 2 troops to ask people to donate their old toys and tins of food. She also created a stall at Bright Water Commons to ask people to help by donating toys and food.

These were collected and on 21st December all these toys were packed and wrapped for distribution to the homes the next day. There were so many toys that they almost covered Kay's lounge floor.

Thank you to all the girls who participated in the wrapping all these toys and helped at the children's home - you made some little kids very happy. Thank you to all who donated food and toys to this great cause.

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1 comment:

  1. Very Nice! Brilliant idea!

    Does Supa Scout update this Blog in her spare time, now that she is no longer a scout?
