Tuesday, February 23, 2010

BP Sunday 2010

On the 21st of February Randburg District held BP Sunday at Groenkloof Nature Reserve in Pretoria. This was a change from the normal as we usually go to a local school and have a gala. This time the theme was orienteering. Three courses were constructed, cubs, junior scouts and senior scouts, of gradually increasing length and difficulty. We had a patrol compete in the junior scout section and Kay participated in the senior scouts section. Our junior scouts had lots of fun in the game reserve and saw 7 giraffes and a few zebra and managed to collect some interesting rocks on their walk. Kay came first in her section with a time of 1:27:10 a good 2 minutes ahead of the next group. Well done to Kay on doing so well!! We hope everyone had a great BP Day on the 22nd February.

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