Thursday, February 18, 2010

Meeting: 12 Feb 2010 Mapping

This week’s theme was mapping as BP Sunday is coming up and we needed to prepare for the Orienteering that would be done. We focussed on map reading skills and what maps can tell us.

We discussed maps in general and why we use them as well as map symbols. We played our map symbols memory game - a game that involves choosing the correct symbol and name from a group of cards lying face down - this was great fun and everyone enjoyed competing to see who could get the most pairs.

We then discussed contours and what contours actually tell us, this is a very difficult topic to explain as it seems obvious to experienced scouters that contour lines show gradient and where mountains and valleys are placed. In order to understand this topic better we used play dough to build a representation of the map. Each patrol was given a section of the map and told to copy this with play dough so they could see the mountains and the gradient in 3 dimensions. This was lots of fun (‘cos who doesn’t enjoy play dough?) and we all learnt a great deal about how to view a 2D map in 3 dimensions.

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