Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cederberg 2010

Over the December holidays two of our girls went on the Senior Scout Challenge which is held in the Cederberg mountains in the Western Cape. The adventure is 11 days long and involves hiking around the Cederberg mountains to different activity bases.

The weather for the hikes varied between scorching heat of 35 degrees and constant cold rain for two days so we got to experience every aspect of hiking.

The hikes themselves were challenging by incredibly beautiful. Rock formations like the Wolfberg Arch (seen in picture) can only be seen by hiking to them. The challenge came in that we were hiking over mountains most days and we only had topographical map to guide us.

The activities were great and various: 4x4, paintball, pizza making, orienteering, dutch oven cooking and gold panning, to name a few. These were great fun as some of these things we don't do in normal scouting.

Over all Cederberg was an amazing experience that challenged most of our scouting skills and determination and we would like to see more of our girls attend the next one in 2012.

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