Sunday, June 17, 2012

Kontiki 2012

This year Kontiki was postponed to end of May as Arrow Park was a flooded on the usual March weekend. This year the theme was Vikings.
Our raft design this year was the funeral pyre typical of Viking burials. This was a unique idea, as only Adiero can, and it came off very well as we came 5th in theme.

Campsite this year was a lot smaller than it usually was owing to the change of venue but still we managed to have a good time and participated in all aspects of camping competition. 

This year Kontiki was an eventful one and was a refreshing change form the normal. We did really well and came 8th for raft and 11th for campsite with an overall of 8th. This is a fantastic result for us and we are so proud of every one to participated and helped out.

Thanks to the organisers for arranging such a great time.

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