First aid is a very important part of scouting but sometimes it can feel a bit boring. So at Adiero we always try and mix things up a bit.
This week we did First Aid with the First Class scouts explaining and demonstrating some first aid to injuries such as Hypothermia, Sprains and Dehydration. After this our Explorer scout demonstrated how to deal with spinal injuries and place someone on a stretcher. This is not a one person job and the whole troop got involved.
After this we did some thing fun - we made fake wounds! If you'd like to know how it's done you can check out this Wikihow link. The scouters all brought old make-up and we had Vaseline, toilet paper and plastic wounds that we got to try out. It was great fun and everyone ended up with some horrific wound on some part of their body.
The hardest part not getting the make-up, Vaseline and fake blood on our scout uniforms when we needed to get changed again.
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